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different workflow for choosing callback number

Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:47 pm
by dotwod
this use case might not have enough applicability for a wide audience - but something to think about.
I work at a place where GV is blocked (a bank). therefore, I can't originate calls from GV. Your tool allows me to set the global callback number much more easily than from the GV website, and therefore initiate calls from my iphone address book which ring back to my desk phone (great!)
however, if I don't reset it back again after the call, I will be outside somewhere and try to call someone, and it will be ringing off the hook at work.
it would be great to have a parameter that lets me decide whether to choose the callback numbere at call time or globally, and, if at call time, to be able to choose form a drop down of numbers.
Re: different workflow for choosing callback number

Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:52 pm
by korey_sed
thanks for the feedback.
as an FYI, this is precisely why we included the call back number in the call cancellation dialog. any time you call someone, it will tell you which of your numbers will ring and you can cancel that call or just click ok and wait for the call to come in. Hopefully this should help you out in the future.
Re: different workflow for choosing callback number

Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:39 pm
by najordan
If you really want to turn this up a notch you could make the app location aware and change the forwarding number if you are within a few hundred feet of a location. This way when I was at work my work phone would ring and when I was at home my home phone would ring. When I'm not at either location the default google voice settings would be used.
Re: different workflow for choosing callback number

Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:15 pm
by whiteswan
I completely agree. This must however be incorporated into the new web app. I use a jailbroken iPhone with SIP software, so whenever I’m within WiFi, GV can call me back on my mobile SIP program (such as Gizmo or Nimbuzz running in the background using Backgrounder) and I don’t lose any minutes. Invaluable, VC just needs to let you choose how to route each call.
I strongly suggest that the current buttons…
[ $0.10 ] [ Call ] [ (x) ]
…be changed to these three…
[ Phone 1 ] [ Phone 2 ] [ Phone 3 ]
Each button relates to one of the user’s own present calling phones. Crucially they must simply pick up the ‘names/labels’ the user has chose for each phone within GV itself. E.g. mine would automatically show as:
[ Cell ] [ Gizmo ] [ sipgate ]
Then, if I’m out and about, I just tap Cell and it calls me back on my iPhone.
If I’m in Starbucks or some other WiFi zone, I hit sipgate, and it calls me back via Nimbuzz’s SIP protocol.
If I’m at home with no cell signal, I hit Gizmo, and it rings my Gizmo app on my computer.
Other people might have: Cell | Home | Work
The above is a must, I feel. But if you’re feeling really clever, allow the user to set a predetermined ‘WiFi’ number, and when the iPhone detects it is connected to a WiFi signal, calls can automatically go through - for example - sipgate and ring back via whatever SIP program the user has on the iPhone. (I don’t think you need a delay for this, as anyone can use Backgrounder to have your SIP software ‘always on’.)
Anyone else think this is a neat idea?