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iPad feature requests

Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:55 pm
by applesinafton
Please keep in mind I'm new to apple products as well as voip. Having said that, if I can call out on black swan via wifi, and it can call me back, why can't I have my iPad as my call back #. I'm guessing that voice central and google voice knows my access points location if I used to call out. It would be sweet to make a call directly from my iPad.
I've seen it done in some YouTube videos. Can you guys make this a reality for us iPad users ?
Re: iPad feature requests

Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:50 am
by jongpie
Hi, applesinafton. Just to clarify, you want to be able to make/receive Google Voice calls on your iPad, correct? That is, you essentially want to use your iPad as a phone?
If that's the case, then that's definitely possible, but VoiceCentral may not be as involved in the process as you think.
If you can post some of the YouTube videos you mentioned (so that we can see exactly what you're referring to), Hopefully we can help you get a solution setup.
Re: iPad feature requests

Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:46 am
by applesinafton
Hey jongpie......sounds like you think this is possible but you feel it is or may be counter productive....the video I seen showed an iPad that was set as a gizmo number. Then his calls went out then back to his iPad. He Was also using isip whack I think makes the possible.
Does it make sence to just call out on voice central and just have it call back a cell phone or my landline? Please remember that I'm new to vc and I'm just learning.
Thanks again
Re: iPad feature requests

Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:55 am
by jongpie
Hi again applesinafton - thanks for clarifying. That's definitely possible, and I don't think it's counter-productive at all! I actually use a similar setup on my iPhone to get free calls (both incoming and outgoing), so there's definitely some benefits to it. These types of setups should (for the most part) work the same on an iPhone, iPod & iPad.
Any chance this is the video you mentioned? I get a chance (either later today or next week), I'll write up a guide on how to get it setup. I'll be honest - if you're not familiar with VoIP stuff, getting this setup can seem intimidating. But it's actually not as bad as it seems - once everything's setup, you shouldn't have to mess with it much.
Re: iPad feature requests

Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:05 pm
by applesinafton
Thanks for the reply! Your correct this is a bit much for me to understand. The video you linked is the one I was referring. If you can post some tips on how to do this, that would me great. I think having this option would be positive one. I'll keep checking back to see what you recommend.
Thanks again
Re: iPad feature requests

Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:32 pm
by Chris
jongpie, feel free to create that guide as a thread in the new Tutorials category here:'ve needed to create a few tutorials for a while and "now" seems like a good time to start. Please don't be offended if we edit the thread for consistency with our intended styling, etc. I'm mostly interested in dumping some items there for now as references and maybe we can worry about organizing/grouping them in the future.
Re: iPad feature requests

Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:36 pm
by jongpie
Awesome, thanks Chris. I was actually about to ask if this thread is really the best place for this anyway. Once I get the guide put together, I'll post it in the new category. And feel free to make edits once it's posted - no offense shall be taken

Re: iPad feature requests

Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:20 pm
by jongpie
FYI - I've (finally) posted a tutorial for this in the new tutorials section. I still need to make some revisions, but it hopefully has enough info to get you started.
Re: iPad feature requests

Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:26 pm
by Denae Floch
Tried to install the app on my new Ipad. Successfully got thru the registration process using my google voice account. Got the web page that says the Application has been successfully installed and to click the + icon at the bottom of the page. But there is no + icon. There is the click down here symbol, but that is all there is to the web page.
Re: iPad feature requests

Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:44 am
by Chris
Denae Floch wrote:Got the web page that says the Application has been successfully installed and to click the + icon at the bottom of the page. But there is no + icon. There is the click down here symbol, but that is all there is to the web page.
This sounds more like an iPhone/iPod touch install because those are the devices that have the buttons at the bottom. Either way, the icon you are looking for is either a plus sign OR the "share" button (looks like a square with a right arrow in it) depending on the version of iOS that you have installed. In both cases, the menu option will be
Add to Home Screen after you press the button.