by jongpie » Tue May 18, 2010 2:03 pm
I typically don't user any special characters, and Google figures out that it's a phone number. For example, I'll search 4045551212 - Google still returns results where it's formated as (404)555-1212 or 404-555-1212, etc.
And since almost no one adds the +1 on the their phone number on their websites (if it's a business, etc.), I don't include it in my searches.
As far as Google's phonebook feature, I honestly always forget that they have it. But I did a quick search for a local number - the phonebook feature didn't find anything, but doing a standard search in Google returned links for a page that info on the number.
Hope this helps! The more I think about this, the more it seems like it might be difficult to do. But if you think it's feasible, that'd be great!