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Re: Unable to Login

Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:33 am
by patriciaucles
patriciaucles wrote:
Hello I downloaded the voice central and I an not able to login i put the my goggle voice email and my password I even change my password and i still can login in
could you please help me
Everytime I put my voicemail mail n password it say loging failed username/password is invalid n I know my password is correct I checked my voicemail over the phone and I was able to retrieve my message I will like to upgrade but I don't want to if I can't login to set up my phone
thank you for assistance
Re: Unable to Login

Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:30 am
by Chris
patriciaucles and akbarlalani:
The login is something we know works, so we should be able to resolve this for you without much trouble. The username and password that you should use within VoiceCentral is the same one you use to log into the Google Voice web site. It would not likely be the same password that you use to check your voicemails over the phone.
Please try the 3 numbered steps that I posted above (2nd message on this forum thread) and post back the results of each step.
Re: Unable to Login

Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:29 am
by patriciaucles
Thx for u help it work I thought is was my password to retrieve my messages since it says google voice password
thx u for ur assistant
Re: Unable to Login

Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:35 pm
by akbarlalani
In my case, I MAY have forgotten the password I gave initially when I applied for the app. I have tried the password I have for Google Mail but that is not the one.... when I have tried to reset the password, I get redirected to Google and I am sure that is not the password that needs to be reset.
So, is there a way to reset the password at the Riverturn site for VoiceCentral registration and then see if the iPhone app works?
Re: Unable to Login

Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:40 pm
by Chris
VoiceCentral uses your Google Voice username and password. If you can log into the Google Voice web site, the same login info should work in VoiceCentral. Please try to log in here:
Re: Unable to Login

Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:16 am
by akbarlalani
Hello Chris:
I did click on the Google Voice link and got into the Google Voice sign in page. When I sign in I see the following page: ... wer=142423When I try to log in using VoiceCentral on my iPhone, I now use the Google Voice email and password and run again into the following message: Internal Error -. Failed to parse session token. Pleae try again.
I have tried several times. No avail.....
Thanks in advance for your patience in this.
Re: Unable to Login

Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:15 am
by Chris
Strangely, Google is letting people get past the login form using their Google accounts and then showing them that error as opposed to saying "your Google account does not have Google Voice service." That error page does say that you do not have Google Voice service, but you have to read a lot of marketing text to get the message. Also embedded within that page is the following link to request a Google Voice account: submit that form and wait for an invitation. I've heard it only takes a short time to receive it these days. Once your Google Voice account is active, you will be able to log into VoiceCentral.
Re: Unable to Login

Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:45 am
by akbarlalani
I had applied 2 or 3 months ago. I received the invitation by email as follows (sorry for including the whole thing) which is why I thought my application had been accepted by Google and now I could activate Google Voice. Have I misunderstood this? The invitation email was from Riverturn as you can see. If this does not mean that I have a Google Voice account yet then I am confused as to why I would receive the following email....thanks for sticking with this Chris and hopefully we can get this solved. I am very keen to use is the email received:
[Removed e-mail text. -- Chris]
Re: Unable to Login

Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:03 pm
by Chris
That activation e-mail was simply for your VoiceCentral account. In order to use VoiceCentral, you must have an active Google Voice account. It seems many people registered for VoiceCentral with the hopes that their Google Voice account would be active by the time VoiceCentral went live, but it did not work out that way in every case. The good news is that you will be able to use VoiceCentral as soon as Google activates your Google Voice account. Be sure to request an invitation from Google in order to be notified when your account is active.
Re: Unable to Login

Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:03 pm
by akbarlalani
Thanks Chris - that clarifies it. So I will await the Google Voice activation first and then be able to use VoiceCentral.