I recently jailbroke my iphone4 and installed Talkatone but had issues. They said jailbreaking interfered with multitasking and I haven't found a fix. So I started looking for a hopefully better and more reliable way to make free calls using GV.
I used jailbreakme.com to jailbreak, not the other tools out there...sorry not a tech guy. I read here that there are issues with eg voicemail with jailbroken phones which were jailbroken a certain way. So I'm wondering if anyone has issues with VC using phones jailbroken via jailbreakme.com? The Talkatone tech guy said something about jailbroke phones have mobile substrate issues which might be causing the problem I have with talkatone.
If there are issues with jailbroken phones when it comes to using voip, I think I rather just restore the iphone back to factory settings. THanks
I recently jailbroke my iphone4 and installed Talkatone but had issues. They said jailbreaking interfered with multitasking and I haven't found a fix. So I started looking for a hopefully better and more reliable way to make free calls using GV.
I used jailbreakme.com to jailbreak, not the other tools out there...sorry not a tech guy. I read here that there are issues with eg voicemail with jailbroken phones which were jailbroken a certain way. So I'm wondering if anyone has issues with VC using phones jailbroken via jailbreakme.com? The Talkatone tech guy said something about jailbroke phones have mobile substrate issues which might be causing the problem I have with talkatone.
If there are issues with jailbroken phones when it comes to using voip, I think I rather just restore the iphone back to factory settings. THanks