Why I got SMS from iPhone besides VC Black Swan

Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:44 pm
by ltn
First time of using VC Black Swan, I sent a SMS to my GV# for test. Besides the message i got in VoiceCentral on my iPhone, another same message was received in iPhone native SMS app, which means I had to pay for that msg in iphone native app. Is that by design or I made mistake somewhere?
Re: Why I got SMS from iPhone besides VC Black Swan

Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:34 pm
by Chris
You probably have the Receive text messages on this phone option checked for that phone in your Google Voice settings. Simply log into the GV web site, go to Settings in the top right corner, select the Phones tab, click Edit beside your iPhone's number, and deselect Receive text messages on this phone.
As a side note, you may want to use Boxcar (free) or Prowl ($3?) to send push notifications to your iPhone when you receive a new voicemail or SMS in your Google Voice account.
Re: Why I got SMS from iPhone besides VC Black Swan

Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:22 am
by joey
You can get free texts from by using this setup. Free with boxcar and not free with Push mail. Both services have their outages boxcar more than pushmail and downtime so if you want 100% reliable you need to use the standard texting through your carrier along with Google Voice