Re: SMS After Midnight

Well, I got lucky and found my example from a month or so ago. I wasn't attempting to recreate this issue at the time, so my conversation was... less than family-friendly
I've blocked out the majority of the text, save for a word or two so you can compare VoiceCentral to Google Voice
Sorry the screenshot is kind of ugly - just threw it together quickly. Click the image below for a full size

One thing I noticed - on this example, I received a message at exactly 12 AM - I think this was just coincidental. If I had received the message at 12:01 AM instead, I think the issue still would have occurred (though I don't have another example to prove that right now)

Sorry the screenshot is kind of ugly - just threw it together quickly. Click the image below for a full size

One thing I noticed - on this example, I received a message at exactly 12 AM - I think this was just coincidental. If I had received the message at 12:01 AM instead, I think the issue still would have occurred (though I don't have another example to prove that right now)