VoiceCentral URLs and Icons

Note: This topic may be a bit advanced for some users. If anyone is interested in using these features but runs into issues, feel free to post on this thread to get some help. We do intend to add an "advanced install" option in the future that will ask the right questions to perform the configuration for you.
One of the most common requests we've received is for the ability to have more control over how VoiceCentral is launched. Many people wanted this solely for push notifications while others wanted to have separate icons to get to specific tabs quickly, etc. To meet all of these needs, v1.1.0 added support for multiple parameters that control the way VoiceCentral launches. Each of these parameters can be used independently or in conjunction with one another using an ampersand (&) to separate them. Once you enter the URL with the desired parameters, use the + icon to add it to your home screen or to your bookmarks.
Launching in Safari
If you need to launch VoiceCentral from another application, you cannot launch it as a standalone app. Instead, it has to be launched as a tab in Safari. To allow VoiceCentral to run within Safari, add the browser parameter with a value of true. You can also use this approach to add a bookmark to VoiceCentral within Safari.
Example: https://voicecentralwe.appspot.com/voicecentral.html?browser=true
Launching to a Specific Tab
While v1.1.0 does allow you to choose the default startup tab, some users wanted to be able to have different icons that launch to specific tabs. For example, you could have a "VC Contacts" tab that always goes directly to your contact list or a "VC Keypad" icon that launches directly to the keypad. Additionally, push notifications can be set to launch directly to the Voicemail or SMS tab as appropriate. To use this feature, add the tab parameter with a value of any tab name along the bottom of the app (the names are not case-sensitive): Recents, Contacts, SMS, Voicemail, Keypad, Settings
Example: https://voicecentralwe.appspot.com/voicecentral.html?tab=Contacts
Launching to a Specific Account
Premium Subscribers can have multiple accounts in v1.1.0 and change between them while using the app. To make life easier, you can also have a different icon for each account. For example, you might have a "VC Work" icon and a "VC Home" icon that each launch directly into the appropriate account. To use this feature, add the account parameter with a value of your Google Voice phone number in the format +14045551212, 14045551212, or 4045551212.
Example: https://voicecentralwe.appspot.com/voicecentral.html?account=+14045551212
Combination Examples
Voicemail tab within Safari
SMS tab within Safari
Contacts for a Specific Account
Quick Settings for an Account
One of the most common requests we've received is for the ability to have more control over how VoiceCentral is launched. Many people wanted this solely for push notifications while others wanted to have separate icons to get to specific tabs quickly, etc. To meet all of these needs, v1.1.0 added support for multiple parameters that control the way VoiceCentral launches. Each of these parameters can be used independently or in conjunction with one another using an ampersand (&) to separate them. Once you enter the URL with the desired parameters, use the + icon to add it to your home screen or to your bookmarks.
Launching in Safari
If you need to launch VoiceCentral from another application, you cannot launch it as a standalone app. Instead, it has to be launched as a tab in Safari. To allow VoiceCentral to run within Safari, add the browser parameter with a value of true. You can also use this approach to add a bookmark to VoiceCentral within Safari.
Example: https://voicecentralwe.appspot.com/voicecentral.html?browser=true
Launching to a Specific Tab
While v1.1.0 does allow you to choose the default startup tab, some users wanted to be able to have different icons that launch to specific tabs. For example, you could have a "VC Contacts" tab that always goes directly to your contact list or a "VC Keypad" icon that launches directly to the keypad. Additionally, push notifications can be set to launch directly to the Voicemail or SMS tab as appropriate. To use this feature, add the tab parameter with a value of any tab name along the bottom of the app (the names are not case-sensitive): Recents, Contacts, SMS, Voicemail, Keypad, Settings
Example: https://voicecentralwe.appspot.com/voicecentral.html?tab=Contacts
Launching to a Specific Account
Premium Subscribers can have multiple accounts in v1.1.0 and change between them while using the app. To make life easier, you can also have a different icon for each account. For example, you might have a "VC Work" icon and a "VC Home" icon that each launch directly into the appropriate account. To use this feature, add the account parameter with a value of your Google Voice phone number in the format +14045551212, 14045551212, or 4045551212.
Example: https://voicecentralwe.appspot.com/voicecentral.html?account=+14045551212
Combination Examples
Voicemail tab within Safari
SMS tab within Safari
Contacts for a Specific Account
Quick Settings for an Account