1. You need to setup your google voice text messages to be sent to your email account. Within Google Voice settings and disable 'Receive SMS on this phone"

2. You need and iPhone App that does mail push notifications.
I like "push mail" cause it opens google voice inbox as the URL for me within the app and it makes it quick for replies to text messages. Boxcar offers free push services. Really whatever you choose
Push Mail Link
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pushmail ... 71854?mt=8
3. Now go to GMail and setup a filter in gmail.
A) Now the important part. In the from address during filter setup it needs to have the following
From: *@txt.voice.google.com
B) Click Next Step
C) Now you will paste you push email address in the "Forward it to: push@push.com"
D) I dont like to not see these text in my InBox so I mark the check per the following
Skip the Inbox (Archive it) and Mark as Read. You will still get the push notification
E) Click save
5. Final Step. Go to you push notification app and paste the address listed below so when you get your notification and click "View" it will take you to your Google voice InBox (googles webapp)
https://www.google.com/voice/m#~voice:s ... nbox&bmb=1
For now this works great for me. I still use voice central for everything else. I would love to have a URL to open the webapp but I think thats in the works.
Also with this method you dont rely on Prowl to push for you and you dont have to worry about your computer being on or online.
This puts all the work on someone else's server.

I hope this help everybody for the mean time. I have been using this for over a week now with no problems. I will try to include more screen shots later
BTW I recommend using another apps if you have an existing app for pushing any type of email notifications. This can better help you distinguish when you get a push notification alert from Google Voice.