Release 0.9.0

New Features:
Bug Fixes:
Known Issues:
- Contact import needs progress indicator
- Update trademarked text throughout the application
- Use Google Contact API to import contacts
- Relaunching quickly should not refresh data
- Update favicon for the VC site
- "Max History" setting needs to be moved
Bug Fixes:
- SMS TO field jumps to end after first character edit
- Cannot go back to first character in SMS TO field
- SMS content field jumps to end on new line
- Clicking and holding the banner selects it
- SMS Compose button crashes app
- Random crashes in SMS tab
- Long SMS conversations intermittently scroll in twice
- SMS conversations place the scrollbar too high
- Contacts without a last name show "null" or "undefined"
- Clicking too fast ruins the UI
- The color highlighting for SMS detail buttons does not have the same rounded corners
- Get black screen occasionally on SMS screen
Known Issues:
- Declining calls while the app is running causes it to stop working
- This is actually a Safari bug that may require a firmware update to fix, but for now either do not decline the call or just restart the application when this happens.
- Responding to an old conversation may generate invalid timestamps
- No known workaround for this, but if you figure out a pattern to make this happen let us know.
- Contact list sometimes "hangs" while scrolling
- This is typically the case with a large contact list (i.e. more than 300), and we are looking at other ways to represent the contact list so they are not all loaded at once.
- No support for foreign characters
- No workaround right now. If you have foreign names in your contact list or get an SMS with foreign characters, the display will not be correct.
- Recents tab sometimes does not show all calls
- No workaround at this time. This is actually due to the way Google Voice handles calls. If you set your max history to 10 items and your most recent 10 items are 2 calls and 8 voicemails, the call list will only show 2 calls since voicemails also count as calls. This should be addressed in the next update
- Company Contact are displayed as [No Name]
- A workaround would be adding the company name to the Name field of the Google contact. This should be addressed in the next update.
- Business contacts displayed as [undefined]
- Creating a business contact with the same text for "Name" and "Business" in Google Voice and then editing the contact to remove the contents of "Name" results in VoiceCentral displaying "undefined undefined" for that contact. This should be addressed in the next update
- & (ampersands) in passwords cause login failure
- A workaround would be changing the password to remove the "&" (ampersand) . This should be addressed in the next update.